Insights | Employee communication (2)

Frontline Work Internal Communication Trends 2024

White Papers Employee communication

This white paper provides a closer look at the current situation of internal communication for the frontline workforce & the emerging trends, as well as highlight best practices to set your comms strategy up for success.

ROI of a Mobile-First Employee Communications Platform

White Papers Employee communication

In the world of boardrooms and bottom lines, numbers carry the most weight. Hence, we've crafted this guide to elucidate how to assess the return on investment (ROI) of an internal communications application tailored for your workforce.

10 Internal Communications Podcasts to Listen to Right Now

Employee communication

The educational podcasting trend has hit internal communications and your peers are putting out amazing content. Insider career advice, practical strategies, industry developments, and more are freely available and only a stream away. Here’s a roundup of the top ten internal communications podcasts worth listening to.

What Is Asynchronous Communication & How Do You Use It?

Articles Employee communication

Have you felt the need to be “always on”, constantly responding to messages and notifications? While the convenience of real-time communication is undeniable, it can sometimes come with its own set of drawbacks. In fact research confirms that increased screen time correlates with stress, poor physical health, and cognitive impairment, poor decision-making and declining motivation levels. Therefore, also expecting your employees to always respond to all communication instantly isn’t always the best idea. Instead, fostering an asynchronous communication culture can be preferable in several scenarios spanning today’s world of dynamic, interconnected teams. Let’s explore what it is and how to use it to your advantage.

The Rise of Employee Experience for Frontline Employees: Why & What's Next

Employee engagement Trends

Prioritizing employee experience (EX) has become a crucial aspect of creating a positive and engaging work environment. While the concept of employee experience is not new, only recently there has been a significant shift in focus towards enhancing the experiences of frontline employees. So where do we begin with understanding the driving factors behind the demand for a reevaluation of our approach to frontline employee experience? And what role does internal communication play in this shift?

Empowering Neurodiversity in the Workplace: How Mobile Employee Apps Can Help

Employee engagement Internal communications

Fostering an inclusive environment is not just an ethical imperative; it's also essential for business success. One group often overlooked in the quest for inclusion is neurodivergent employees. Neurodiversity encompasses a range of neurological conditions, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more, individuals in this category can bring unique talents and perspectives to the workplace. One powerful tool for promoting inclusivity and effective communication with neurodivergent employees are mobile employee apps. In this blog post, we'll explore how such apps can bridge the communication gap to help organizations by recognizing and accommodating their individual needs and differences.

Avoiding Information Overload: A Step-by-Step Guide for Organizations

Internal communications Articles

Too much information can be a bad thing for your employees. Psychologists have a word for this – information overload, also known as cognitive overload. It occurs when an individual is exposed to more information than their mind and sensory organs can handle.

4 Ways to Ensure Communication Consistency in the Workplace

Employee communication

Communication consistency is one of the biggest internal communication challenges for most companies. It is marked by a reliable flow of information in a discernible tone throughout the organization. According to a survey, effective and consistent communication is critical to ensuring workplace productivity and employee confidence. On the other hand, inconsistency can be damaging to organizations: Overall employee tendency to be non-receptive to important communication, Reduced workplace productivity and morale, Rising employee skepticism and non-compliance, Apathy and disinterest among employees, Diminishing trust in internal messaging, Yet, what exactly are the aspects that cause messaging inconsistency? Let's find out.

How to make data-driven decisions for strategic internal communication

Employee communication

Information technology has advanced to unprecedented degrees, with over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data being generated daily. Despite this, corporate decision-making mechanisms continue to rely on guesswork. How about using employee communication apps?

Part 3: Improving Employee Engagement

Articles Frontline employees

Employee engagement is a critical component of running a successful organization. Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and committed to their work and employer.