
5 Ways To Improve Employee Communication

Written by Rob Verschuren | Jan 4, 2022

A survey conducted by the Ark Group among CEOs revealed that almost 95% considered effective internal communication as the most critical factor for success. Surprisingly, only 22% believed that their own company's internal communication was up to the mark. David Grossman, in his book "The Cost of Poor Communications," indicated an average loss of $62.4 million per year for companies employing around 100,000 due to inadequate internal communication.

Not only do multinationals pay the cost for poor communication, but also all businesses, big or small.

This communication conundrum is not just an issue for large corporations but affects all businesses, regardless of size. So how can we enhance this critical aspect of workplace dynamics? In this comprehensive guide, we delve into strategies, best practices, and new approaches for achieving effective workplace communication.

Table of Contents

  1. Benefits of Effective Workplace Communication

  2. Challenges to Effective Communication

  3. Communication Channels: Choosing the Right Medium

  4. How to Improve Workplace Communication: Strategies and Tips

  5. The Role of Communication Training Sessions

  6. Why Employee Feedback is Golden

  7. Final Thought

Benefits of Effective Workplace Communication

Fosters Employee Engagement

Good communication is the backbone of any organization aiming for high levels of employee engagement. By communicating clearly and effectively, you can better understand the motivations, needs, and abilities of your workforce. Effective communication nurtures a strong connection between colleagues, enriches the workplace environment, and improves employee engagement by helping managers identify talents, skills, and areas that need training.

Builds a Healthy Company Culture

Good communication plays an irreplaceable role in building a positive company culture. It can resolve misunderstandings and disputes, which are often the root causes of workplace conflict. If your employees can communicate effectively, tensions are likely to be minimal.

Enhances Customer Satisfaction

Good communication isn't just for the benefit of your employees; it directly impacts customer satisfaction as well. Frontline workers who can communicate effectively are far more adept at understanding and meeting customers' needs, thereby enhancing their overall experience.

Boosts Performance and Productivity

Effective communication encourages a company culture where managers and team members understand each other's talents and skills. It cultivates a safe space for out-of-the-box thinking and problem-solving. These factors contribute to improved performance and productivity.

Challenges to Effective Communication

Lack of Personalization

Today's workforce expects personalized, on-demand content similar to their everyday digital experiences. The absence of tailored communication can lead to disengagement. Language and cultural barriers can further inhibit effective communication, particularly in today's diverse workplace environment.

Absence of a Well-Defined Plan

Random and unplanned communication can sabotage your employee engagement strategy, leading to confused and disengaged employees.

One-Way Communication

Good communication is always a two-way street. Managers who only send messages but do not practice active listening miss out on essential employee input, which is critical for engaging employees successfully.

Timing is Off

Communication in the workplace should be both timely and strategic, ensuring that messages reach the employees when they are most relevant.

Inclusive Communication

Different communication channels may be needed for effective communication with both desk-bound and frontline staff, ensuring that everyone in the workforce is engaged.

Dull or Complicated Messaging

The key to improving workplace communication lies in making the content interesting and accessible. If employees find the material dull or too complex, even the most crucial messages will go unread, contributing to fewer workplace conflicts.

Communication Channels: Choosing the Right Medium

Choosing appropriate communication methods is vital for improving workplace communication. Whether it's email, a company intranet, or an employee communication app, the medium must be accessible and useful to everyone in your workforce.


Use an Employee Communication App

Such an app is not just a nice-to-have but an essential tool for modern internal communications. It allows tailored messaging and real-time feedback, thus enhancing employee engagement and improving workplace communication.


Cultivate a Communication-Friendly Culture

Work on creating a company culture where employees feel engaged and are encouraged to speak openly. One-on-one meetings with team members can be particularly effective for this.


Maintain Consistent Communication

A well-timed, constant flow of information can significantly improve employee engagement. Avoid overwhelming your employees with excessive information. Keep the communication clear and to the point.


Make Feedback a Priority

Incorporate mechanisms like an employee engagement survey to get honest opinions from your team. Always give employees the option for anonymous feedback, as this can lead to more candid responses.

Check out these 5 methods to improve communication at work


Introduce Communication Training Sessions

Training programs can equip your employees with the skills to communicate effectively, thus fostering a culture of strong communication and collaboration.

Why Employee Feedback is Golden

Understanding your employees' perspectives through feedback not only enriches the employer-employee relationship but also provides invaluable data for your employee engagement strategy.

Summing it up

We can all agree that effective communication in the workplace is essential for the functioning and performance of any organization. Improving communication skills and using the right communication channels are, therefore, a priority for employers and managers. One of the biggest challenges is finding ways to reach an ever more diverse and dispersed workforce. However, with the right tools, you can create a workplace culture where everyone is kept up to date and can feel heard and connected.

For more information, check out this research study on how you can build more lasting and loyal relationships with your employees.

Curious to Know More?

Discover how our solutions at Lytho can enhance your workplace communication and engage your employees more effectively.

With contributions from communication experts and HR professionals, this guide aims to be your go-to resource for all things related to effective communication in the workplace.